I'm getting better - twice in one week! Okay, to start another of my recent photos which is quite popular, a macro of water droplets on a cobweb from a few days ago...

This was taken with my old Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 which seems to do a lot better than my newer Sony A100 dSLR - guess I need a better lens on that one.
Now another dip into the archives, and this time from May 2005. May is always a busy month, the weather is warming and nature is brightening up the scenery, so plenty to photograph and I spend 2 weeks in the Lake District so come back with maybe 2 or 3 thousand shots! But the month starts with May Day, and for that I like to go to Padstow for the 'Obby 'Oss celebrations...

The crowds following the two 'Oss through the town are amazing, a real crush but a great atmosphere with the music, singing and dancing...

At the end of the month, after my return from the Lake District, I was busy uploading some of the photos I had taken...

of the lakes and tarns (above: Goosey Foot Tarn in Grizedale Forest) and the villages...

(above: Grasmere)
Labels: 'Obby 'Oss, "May Day, Cornwall, Cumbria, Grasmere, Kernow, Lake District, Padstow, photo, tarn